Our Mission and Values

At 12 Oaks we aim to equip Kingdom citizens one person at a time until all have heard. We do this by embodying the habits of a disciple and passing them along in relationship: Following Christ (Personally loving God), Maturing as Believers (Living in community and loving one another), and Multiplying Generations of Disciples of Christ (Living on mission and loving the lost).
Following Christ
Surrendering: "I submit myself in loving service to King."
Abiding: "I apply the Word to life until it becomes a lifestyle."
Worshipping: "I do everything for the glory of God."
Maturing as Believers
Gathering: "I give myself to others in relationship as Christ's body."
Equipping: "I make disciples with the life God has given me."
Loving: "I serve, care for, and encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ."
Multiplying Generations of Disciples
Living Sent: "I see lostness daily and among unreached people groups."
Inviting Along: "I initiate intentional relationships and conversations."
Proclaiming Christ: "I prepare myself as a witness to all people."